jozephine jackson and kinuski in “busy day”

scene title: busy day performers: jozephine jackson, kinuski site: sapphic erotica production credits: none listed trailer l: jozephine jackson, r: kinuski i have perhaps been unfairly harsh on sapphicerotica in these reviews. my distaste for scenario-free or scenario-light porn, my general lack of sympathy with the wordless european style of gentle interaction with little passion or personality, and especially my demand for visual language that heightens the mood rather than simply showing what's happening, all mean that the bland literalism of the site does nothing for me and at times even actively repels me. i'm not sure i'd go so far as to say i'm converted into a sapphicerotica apologist, but this scene, despite its many flaws, at least points to a few things they can be capable of getting right. the set is dull and generic, the couch one of those terrible squeaky ones that would be an audio engineer's nightmare if any such person ever cam...