blue angel and helena moeller in “honey, i’m home”

scene title: honey, i'm home performers: blue angel, helena moeller site: viv thomas (metart) production credits: sandra shine (dir.), frank mirror (ed.) trailer l: blue angel, r: helena moeller it's ridiculous to paint all of european porn production with as broad a brush as i frequently do, but to be fair to me i'm only looking at girl/girl productions, which do tend to be fairly samey despite a certain amount of envelope-pushing from a number of different directions. one direction that will never push the envelope is viv thomas. even their best director, sandra shine, is content to select and light a location to maximize its sensuous beauty, dress two beautiful women beautifully, and shoot them undressing one another and having patient, uninflected sex with the most beautiful photography. this is old-school glamour porn in modern dress, and there's nothing wrong with it: it's just that, compared to the narrative drive and vivid personali...