nancy a and hazel in “beautiful sunset”

scene title: beautiful sunset performers: nancy a, hazel site: ultra films production credits: fredy riger (dir.) trailer l: nancy a, r: hazel well, folks, i don't know what to think of this one. i can only assume that there must have been some serious problems on the day of shooting, or perhaps it's an artistic european choice i'm too unsophisticated an american to grasp: but this is the first time i've ever seen a complete scene fade out just as the second round begins. it's also the first time i've seen a full round of fingering where the camera is focused on the receiver's face throughout without cutting back to the action. which is unusual enough that it raises automatic suspicions: she must be faking it, she has a yeast infection or some other issue that make filming her downstairs inadvisable, and so forth. i don't particularly demand to see genital contact (people, and the things you can see in their faces, interest me more th...