britney amber and penny pax in “anal awakening”

scene title: anal awakening performers: britney amber, penny pax site: everything butt ◅ kink production credits: kirin kurai (dir.) trailer l: penny pax, r: britney amber the limit to my sympathy with kink's approach to its material has, i think, been found. i still respect their process: it's good to see everyone asked in clear terms what their limits are, whether their boundaries were respected, and what they think about what they did. but the end result, whether because i don't share the particular fetishes being catered to or because i have unreasonable standards for fetish porn, is still unsatisfactory. very little of that is due to the performances. britney amber and penny pax are both wonderful second-tier performers with extensive experience and a creative knack for kinkiness; but the scenario gave them little to work with here, as it was mostly just a parade of toys going into penny's anus. (all the same toys, i note, as in...