elin and nikolina in “anal play”

scene title: anal play performers: elin, nikolina site: abby winters production credits: giulia (dir.) trailer l: elin, r: nikolina i guess this demonstrates the perils of generalization. i don't care for amateur porn, i don't care for porn where no one says anything, i don't care for porn without any kind of setup or preamble... except when i do. not that i absolutely adored this scene. all the usual abbywinters flaws were there: bad camerawork, garish and unpleasant decor, awful lighting, endless yawning takes where nothing much is happening. but the two performances at the center, so intimate and involved that it hardly seems fair to call them performances, really worked this time. even though neither of them spoke more than two or three sentences all hour, and never above a murmur, their connection was strong throughout. checking the abbywinters website, this seems to be nikolina's first shoot, and only elin's second (i have no idea what th...