charlotte stokely and kenna james in “closing time”

scene title: closing time [scene 1] performers: charlotte stokely, kenna james site: wicked pictures production credits: mike quasar (dir., ed., scr.) trailer l: kenna james, r: charlotte stokely here, on the first day of my commitment to reviewing girl/girl scenes, the question arises: what counts as a scene? everything else i've reviewed so far has been the story of a single encounter, with no plot after the sex. here, by contrast, the story picks back up after the sex scene and continues to what seems to be a fairly arbitrary cutoff point, after which scene 2 and its sequels (i won't be watching them, because this is the only girl/girl scene in the movie) will presumably draw the narrative strands set up here to some kind of satisfactory conclusion. but just because the story is incomplete for me doesn't mean i can't judge the scene according to my usual metrics. the script gets nearly full marks, because mike quasar put effort into it and ...