kenzie taylor and cadence lux in “hot girl on girl sex on the couch”

scene title: hot girl on girl sex on the couch performers: kenzie taylor, cadence lux site: zero tolerance production credits: mike quasar (dir.) trailer l: kenzie taylor, r: cadence lux the second installment from the dvd of is it wrong she's my stepmom? vol. 3 is both exactly as well-shot as the first and much better performed. not that mia lelani and esperanza del horno were at all bad, just relatively subdued by comparison. kenzie and cadence don't just enjoy having sex with each other, they enjoy teasing each other, fleshing out their characters' relationship and history, and dirty-talking throughout. kenzie in particular is an endless font of erotic conversation, sharp observation, and enthusiastic encouragement to her scene partner: she, not the director, should probably be writing the scripts for her scenes. i've noted before that i don't particularly care for the stepmother-stepdaughter premise in girl/girl, but that's because that...