danai and maely in “nipple to nipple”

scene title: nipple to nipple performers: danai, maely site: abby winters production credits: giulia (dir.) trailer l: maely, r: danai this is, to the best of my recollection, the first abbywinters video i've watched all the way through in more than twenty years of watching girl/girl porn. partly that's because i've never had much interest in "amateur" content, preferring to indulge the heightened fantasy of mainstream porn, fully aware of how unrealistic it is. but also it's because, as far as i could tell from my very cursory awareness of the brand for the past couple of decades, it was very white. so i was pleasantly surprised when the first girl/girl video posted to the site this month features a black woman. browsing through recent postings, it's not as lily-white as i remembered (or assumed), although i'd venture to say it's still very middle-class, in the way that a lot of bespoke, artisanal internet content is, because...