
Showing posts from April 6, 2019

danai and maely in “nipple to nipple”

scene title:  nipple to nipple performers:  danai, maely site:  abby winters production credits:  giulia (dir.) trailer l: maely, r: danai this is, to the best of my recollection, the first abbywinters video i've watched all the way through in more than twenty years of watching girl/girl porn. partly that's because i've never had much interest in "amateur" content, preferring to indulge the heightened fantasy of mainstream porn, fully aware of how unrealistic it is. but also it's because, as far as i could tell from my very cursory awareness of the brand for the past couple of decades, it was very white. so i was pleasantly surprised when the first girl/girl video posted to the site this month features a black woman. browsing through recent postings, it's not as lily-white as i remembered (or assumed), although i'd venture to say it's still very middle-class, in the way that a lot of bespoke, artisanal internet content is, because...

mia and lulya in “mia’s toes need worshipping”

scene title:  mia's toes need worshipping performers:  mia, lulya site:  strapless dildo production credits:  none listed trailer l: lulya, r: mia a rare sighting: a post-2017 update of the straplessdildo website. as the name suggests, it's a site with a very simple premise: instead of wearing strap-ons with, well, straps, models secure the dildos they're using within custom-made pantyhose and then proceed to act like the molded plastic is their penis. (some videos even have fake ejaculate spurt from the dildos at the end. of course there's a market for that.) their updates, once weekly, have slowed to a trickle in recent years. the bloom is very much off the rose, as the novelty of the premise wore off some time ago, and only a few hardy perennial models seem to have stuck around. this pairing of latvians, mia wielding the dildo and lulya receiving, is the third time they've worked together for the site (oddly, only mia has ever been credited; i...

charlie red, leanne lace and nancy a in “heartbreakers”

scene title:  heartbreakers performers:  charlie red, leanne lace, nancy a site:  nubile films  ◅  nubiles production credits:  none listed trailer l: leanne lace, c: charlie red, r: nancy a i've now had occasion to look at several threesomes featuring beautiful european models who barely say anything throughout the scene, and this one, purely in terms of how well the performers do their job and how well they are photographed, is probably the best so far. that it still scores lower than the lesbea scene released the the same day is due to my sjw, or diversity, points, which is exactly how they are meant to function: mere quality isn't good enough. which isn't to say this is a great scene, only just barely scraping the surface of adequate. i believed in the sex the models (two czech, one ukrainian) were having, if not in the flimsy introcution: leanne is working out, charlie is bathing, nancy is browsing porn on the very website she's app...

kenzie reeves, jayden starr and victoria cakes in “kenzie reeves, jayden starr & victoria cakes”

scene title:  kenzie reeves, jayden starr & victoria cakes performers:  kenzie reeves, jayden starr, victoria cakes site:  zebra girls  ◅  dogfart production credits:  none listed trailer l: victoria cakes, c: kenzie reeves, r: jayden starr well, this is a whole lot. let's start with the site. zebra girls, the girl/girl site from dogfart network (yes, it's the worst-named company in porn, an industry with stiff competition in that arena), which focuses entirely on interracial pairings, has frequently been one of my guilty pleasures over the past couple of years. or not guilty, really: conflicted. it's one of the few girl/girl sites to reliably feature black women, but it's also shot terribly and has frequently featured uncomfortable, borderline racist premises playing on white anxieties about "angry black women." there's a little bit of that here: towards the end, jayden and victoria make a half-hearted attempt to push the scene int...

boni, lina mercury and mia casanova in “sex toy sparks lesbian threesome”

scene title:  sex toy sparks lesbian threesome performers:  boni, lina mercury, mia casanova site:  lesbea  ◅  sexyhub (really useful) production credits:  none listed trailer r: mia casanova, c: boni, l: lina mercury one thing european girl/girl studios are uniformly excellent at is finding beautiful women. regardless of whether they are any good at acting, projecting a personality, or giving pleasure to other women, they sure do look nice in the attempt. here we have a very slight premise on which to hang a scene, but it's miles better than no premise at all, which has been lesbea's standard procedure until quite recently. italian mia, russian lina and colombian boni are having a pillow fight on, presumably, boni's bed. at least when lina picks up a pillow and discovers a large black dildo underneath, boni admits it's hers in one of the very few spoken lines (in english, no less) of the scene. apparently the very thought of a dildo gets ...

shyla jennings and samantha hayes in “i dare you”

scene title:  i dare you performers:  shyla jennings, samantha hayes site:  when girls play  ◅  twistys (mindgeek) production credits:  none listed trailer l: samantha hayes, r: shyla jennings shyla jennings is almost thirty. here, she plays an eighteen year old, as she has for more than ten years and presumably will continue to do until she retires from the business. i mention this not to shame her for taking roles that her chirpy voice, short stature and still-fresh face allow her to, but to condemn the industry for having so many eighteen-year-old roles to cast her in and so few that allow her to play her actual age and level of experience. not that she's such a fool as to pretend to not know what she's doing, regardless of what the script says: virginal fumbling isn't erotic. but i'm old and weary enough that neither is the idea (let alone the reality) of an eighteen-year-old. teenagers, as a rule, aren't interesting people. they don't k...

georgia jones and izzy lush in “all natural anal lesbians”

scene title:  all natural anal lesbians performers:  georgia jones, izzy lush site:  lesbianx  ◅  xempire production credits:  mason (dir.) trailer l: georgia jones, r: izzy lush i haven't talked about gonzo here much yet. partly that's because the girl/girl audience tends to be much more invested in story and character than in just wanting to see sex acts, so scenario girl/girl porn is better financially rewarded than gonzo girl/girl. i've certainly expressed that preference here. but there's good and bad gonzo, as there is good and bad everything. gonzo porn has developed a reputation for being more extreme, rough, and even degrading than scenario porn, but there's nothing inherent in the format that means it has to be. "gonzo porn" was coined in reference to gonzo journalism, in which reporters acknowledge their own involvement and impact in the story instead of maintaining the traditional view-from-nowhere pretense. gonzo porn, then, ...

alina lopez and london river in “fam fiction”

scene title:  fam fiction performers:  alina lopez, london river site:  mommy's girl  ◅  girlsway (gamma) production credits:  casey calvert & eli cross (dir.), midnight (scr.) trailer l: london river, r: alina lopez i think i've mentioned here before that i'm skeptical at best of the stepmother-stepdaughter genre of girl/girl porn. not that incest or pseudo-incest isn't a standard and even classic subgenre in the erotic canon; but the unresolvable tension in the internet era between catering to the fantasies of mommy-daughter fetishists and staying on the right side of the united states penal code (not to mention the discomfort of many performers and producers with the topic) makes for awkward and half-baked fantasies that rarely lean into the cultural taboo, have no time to develop believable character relations, and has been so overproduced for the last half-decade that there are never going to be any new or unexpected approaches to t...